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Dr. Meenakshi Dhiman

Sood G, Kaushal R, Panwar G and Dhiman M. 2018. Effect of indigenous Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria on Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) productivity and soil nutrients. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 1-24.


Dhiman M, Dhiman V K, Rana N and Dipta B. 2019. Isolation and characterization of Rhizobium associated with root nodules of Dalbergia sissoo. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 8(3): 1910-1918.


Dhiman M, Rana N and Dhiman V K. 2020. Variations in Pod and Seed traits of Dalbergia sissoo in different Seed sources from Himachal Pradesh, India. Indian Forester. 146 (6):503-508.


Dhiman M, Rana N and Ghabru A. 2023. Isolation and Screening of Agriculturally Important Bacteria (PGPR) from Organic Sources of Nutrient (Panchgavya, Jeevamrit and Farm Yard Manure) for Future Use. Asian Journal of Advances in Agricultural Research. 22 (3): 43-52.


Jhilta P, Rana N, Dipta B, Dhiman M and Meenakshi. 2019. Physiological assessment of Acacia catechu seedlings by computing germination parameters and vigour testing. International Journal of chemical studies. 7(3): 1527-1532.
