Date Sheet End Semester Exam - Term24251 / 2425S Click Here >>
Dr. Gurpreet Kaur

1.  Attended 4th International group meeting “Wheat Productivity Enhancement Through Climate Smart Practices” at CSKHPV, Palampur  during 14-16th February 2019.

2.  Attended and Participated in “7th International Conference on Phytopathology in Achieving UN Sustainable Development Goals” at ICAR-IARI, New Delhi during 16- 20th January, 2020.

3.  Attended and Participated in “National symposium on Strategic Plant Disease Management for Food Security” at ICAR-CPRI, Shimla during 6-7th December, 2021.

4.  Attended and Participated in “National Symposium on “Novel strategies in Plant Stress Diagnosis and Management” at Dr. YSPUH&F, Nauni, Solan on 6-7th May, 2022.
