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Dr. Ashish Sharma (Coordinator)
Book Chapters/Books
  1. Sharma, D. Shankhdhar, S. C. Shankhdhar, The role of calcium in plant signal transduction under macronutrient deficiency stress. In: Plant Macronutrient Use Efficiency, M. A. Hossain, T. Kamiya, D. J. Burrit, L. S. P. Tran, T. Fujiwara. Elsevier Pub Group, USA, pp. 181-196, 2018.
  2. Sharma, D. Shankhdhar, S. C. Shankhdhar, Potassium-solubilizing microorganisms: mechanism and their role in potassium solubilization and uptake. In: Potassium solubilizing microorganisms for sustainable agriculture, Eds: V. S. Meena, B. R. Maurya, J. P. Verma, R. S. Meena, Springer Pub., India, pp. 203-219, 2016.
  3. Sharma, D. Shankhdhar, S.C. Shankhdhar, Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria – an approach for biofortification in cereal grains. In: Advances in Plant Physiology- An Int. Treatise Series,Vol 15, Ed:Hemantaranjan, A. Scientific Pub., India, pp. 460-488, 2014.
  4. Sharma, L. Parihar, Biological Control of Critical Fungal Phytopathogens of Cereal Crops. In. Biotechnology – progress and applications, Ed: Hameed, S. and Fatima, Z. Daya Publishing House, India, pp. 163-180, 2016