Date Sheet End Semester Exam - Term24251 / 2425S Click Here >>
Dr. Alka Soharu

1.      Dwivedi A., Sanadya S.K., Soharu A., Kumar P.P.and Basandrai D. 2022. Variability assessment of rice genotypes by yield traits in diverse environments of Himachal Pradesh. Journal of Crop and Weed 18(2): 1-6

2.      Kaur N., Mittal R.K., Sood V. and Soharu A. 2021. Studies on induced chlorophyll mutants in black gram (Vigna mungo L. Hepper). Himachal Journal of Agricultural Research 7(2): 156-162

3.       Soharu A., Sanadya S.K., Dwivedi A. and Pandey D.P. 2020. Clustering of upland rice genotypes by different biometrical methods. Journal of Crop and Weed 17(1): 143-151

4.      Soharu A. Pandey D.P.2018. Genetic variability for yield and its component traits in upland rice. Journal of Rice Research 12 (1):72- 73

5.      Soharu A. Pandey D.P.2018. Correlation and Path Analysis for Yield and its Component Traits in Rice (Oryza sativa L.).  Journal of Rice Research 11 (2):1-8
