A. Evaluation Report:
The examiners on evaluation of the thesis may recommend one of the following:
a. that the degree of Ph.D. be awarded to the candidate
b. that the thesis be revised as suggested and resubmitted.
c. that the thesis be rejected
In each case, the examiners shall clearly submit to the University his/her critical evaluation, comments and suggestions on the Ph.D. thesis. Each examiner shall also send at least five questions to be asked from the candidate at the time of Viva-Voce.
B. Negative Report:
I. If one examiner has submitted a negative report or suggested revision, the Dean (Academics/Research/Faculty) Affairs will send the case to the Vice-Chancellor for consideration by the Committee consisting of:-
i. Dean (Academics/Research) Affairs
ii. Director of Research (if any)
iii. Dean of the Faculty/Senior most teacher of faculty concerned.
iv. Head of Department
v. Supervisor of the Candidate.
II. The committee will consider all the two reports and give its specific recommendation as to whether
a. The thesis has to be revised and re-submitted
b. The thesis may be accepted and viva voce held
III. If two or all examiners reject the thesis then the thesis shall be rejected for award of the Degree.
IV. In case one examiner recommends the award of the Degree, the second recommends revision and the third either rejects or recommends revision, then the candidate shall be advised to re-submit the thesis after making necessary changes.
V. The revised thesis must be submitted within one year from the date of intimation of the revision of thesis to the candidate. The revised thesis shall normally be resubmitted for evaluation to the same examiner(s) who had recommended the revision. If the examiner(s) recommend the award of the Degree, then the viva voce examination may be held. In case the examiner(s) again recommend revision or rejection, the thesis shall be sent to another examiner for evaluation. If he/she also recommends revision the candidate will be given chance to revise thesis within six months from the date of communication and will be required to submit 3 copies of the thesis and same shall be sent to new set of two examiners out of panel. In case again negative report is received the thesis shall be rejected.
VI. For evaluation of the thesis not more than three months be given to any examiner. If any examiner fails to send the report within three months, a new examiner be appointed. If in due course, the report is received from the first examiner, the report shall be considered with the consent of the Vice-Chancellor.
VII. The evaluation process and reports of examiners must be kept confidential till the time of Viva voce.
C. Viva-voce
I. In case, all the two reports are positive, the case will be put up to the Vice Chancellor for appointing one of the examiners for conduct of viva voce of the candidate. Viva-voce of the candidate will be conducted by a committee consisting of the Head of the Department, supervisor and an examiner of the candidate's thesis.
II. Reports of the thesis evaluated by the examiners will be read by the Committee before conducting viva-voce.
III. The viva-voce examination of the candidate for the Ph.D. shall be a public viva voce where all the members and research fellows in the faculty will be invited to be present. At least four days’ notice will be given to the faculty members to attend the viva voce. Attendance of the presentation will be kept as a record.
IV. The committee conducting the viva voce of the candidate will consider the reports of all the examiners, ask questions raised in these reports and get the clarifications regarding the comments of the examiners and this fact be mentioned in the viva voce report.
V. The reports of the examiners shall be given to candidate once the result is declared so as to improve the thesis as suggested by the examiners.
D. Approval and Final Submission:
I. Along with the reports of the Ph.D. viva-voce of the candidate, copy of attendance record, the Head of the Department would send the following certificate duly signed by the Supervisor/ Co-Supervisor and countersigned by him, that "All the corrections/revisions if any, suggested by the external examiners have been incorporated in the thesis."
II. On the recommendation of the Dean (Academics/Research/Faculty) Affairs, and approval of the Vice-Chancellor, The result of Ph.D. degree of a candidate be deemed to have been notified by Dean (Academics/Research/Faculty) Affairs and Controller of Examination shall publish the result.
III. If recommended for the award of the Ph.D. Degree, the date of approval of the Vice Chancellor will be considered as the date of award of the Ph.D. degree. Prior to the actual award of the degree, the DAV University shall issue a provisional Certificate to the effect that the Degree has been awarded in accordance with the provisions of the UGC Regulations,2022.
IV. After evaluation and successful completion of the final viva voce of PhD, the candidate is required to submit two copies of the final thesis in hardbound for the library and examination branch. In addition to that, the candidate is advised to submit a copy to his/her supervisor/co-supervisor.
V. A certificate of required changes incorporated by student that suggested by examiner should be attached in final thesis.
VI. It is mandatory to submit a soft copy (in MS Word or PDF format) in the form of a CD containing chapter-wise files of the thesis for keeping in the University Library/UGC-INFLIBINET.