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Admission Helpline

PhD Guidelines
Key Facts & Figures
Eligibility Criteria
Duration of Programme
Entrance/ Selection for admission
General Guidelines
Submission of Synopsis
Allocation of Supervisor
Course Work
Submission of Thesis
Evaluation of Thesis
Admission Categories
Composition of Committees
Fee Structure

Registration Open : Last date to apply July 18, 2024

Date of Entrance : July 21, 2024


A 1-year/2-semester master's degree programme after a 4-year/8-semester bachelor’s degree programme or a 2-year/4-semester master’s degree programme after a 3-year bachelor’s degree programme or qualifications declared equivalent to the master’s degree by the corresponding statutory regulatory body or a professional degree declared equivalent to the Master’s degree by the corresponding statutory regulatory body, with at least 55% marks in aggregate (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) or an equivalent degree from a foreign educational Institution accredited by an Assessment and Accreditation Agency which is approved, recognized or authorized by an authority, established or incorporated under a law in its home country or any other statutory authority in that country to assess, accredit or assure quality and standards of educational institutions. Provided that a candidate seeking admission after a 4-year/8-semester bachelor’s degree programme should have a minimum of 75% marks in aggregate or its equivalent grade on a point scale wherever the grading system is followed. A relaxation of 5% marks or its equivalent grade may be allowed for those belonging to SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer)/Differently-Abled, Economically Weaker Section (EWS) and other categories of candidates as per the decision of the Commission from time to time.

Duration Of Programme

I. A Research Scholar may be eligible for submission of the thesis after the expiry of three years duration including course work from the date of provisional registration. The Research Scholar shall have to submit the thesis normally within four years of provisional registration.

II. After four years, the Dean (Academics/Research/Faculty) Affairs may, on the application of the Male candidate recommended by the Supervisor and forwarded by the Head of the department concerned, may extend this period by one year followed by another year. After a period of six years, from the date of provisional registration, on a request made by the Male candidate, the Vice-Chancellor after considering the recommendations of the Dean (Academics/Research/Faculty) Affairs may condone further delay in the submission of thesis up to one year in very special circumstances.

III. Similarly, after four years, the Dean (Academics/Research/Faculty) Affairs may, on the application of the Female or person with disability (more than 40% disability) recommended by the Supervisor and forwarded by the Head of the department concerned, may extend this period by three years (one by one). After a period of seven years from the date of provisional registration, on a request made by the female candidate and person with disability (more than 40% disability), the Vice-Chancellor after considering the recommendations of the Dean (Academics/Research/Faculty) Affairs may condone further delay in the submission of thesis up to one year in very special circumstances.

IV. A fee will be charged as prescribed by the university from time to time for each extension in submission of thesis. Further that the maximum time limit for submission of thesis after the date of provisional registration shall be seven years for Male Candidates, eight years for Female Candidates and person with disability (more than 40% disability), after which no extension shall be granted. If the candidate is unable to submit the thesis after the completion of the extended time period, the registration of the candidate will automatically stand cancelled if he/she has availed the extensions (allowed by the Dean (Academics/Research/Faculty) Affairs /Vice-Chancellor) for submission of Ph.D. thesis.

V. In addition, the women candidates may be provided Maternity Leave/Child Care Leave once in the entire duration of Ph.D. for up to 240 days.


I. The University shall admit Ph.D. candidates only through Ph.D. Eligibility test conducted at the level of the University. The test shall be conducted twice in a year. The format of test will be as per UGC guidelines. The exact date of the test will be notified through university website/Print Media.

II. The candidates who have qualified/received UGC (NET/JRF)/ UGC-CSIR (JRF) examination/SLET/ GATE/INSPIRE/GPAT/ICAR-SRF (PGS)/ Rajiv Gandhi Fellowship awardees/Maulana Azad National Fellowship/JEST/teacher fellowship holder or have passed M.Phil. from DAV University, Jalandhar and foreign candidates sponsored by ICCR or any other department of Government of India will be exempted from Ph.D eligibility test.

III. The qualifying marks in the test for Ph.D. eligibility shall be 50%. A relaxation of 5 % marks will be allowed in the entrance examination for the candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/differently-abled category, Economically Weaker Section (EWS), and other categories of candidates as per the decision of the Commission from time to time.

IV. The UGC/CSIR/INSPIRE/Rajiv Gandhi Fellowship awardees Maulana Azad National Fellowship or candidates who are awarded fellowships directly by their or other funding agencies to pursue a Ph.D. can be provisionally registered any time during the session. NET/ GATE qualified project fellows appointed against financed projects can also be provisionally registered for Ph.D. any time during the session provided seats are available.

V. Merely qualifying the Ph.D. eligibility test will not entitle the candidate to admission to the Ph.D.

VI. The qualified candidates shall have to appear in an interview to be conducted by the Department Research Committee (DRC). At the time of the interview, candidates are expected to discuss their research interests/areas with the interview board.

VII. The merit of a candidate selected for the Ph.D. programme shall be as under:

70% weightage in the University Entrance Test

30% weightage in interview

Only the predetermined number of students, based upon the available recognized research supervisors (with concerned specialization/research interest) will be selected for admission to Ph.D. and the list of successful candidates shall be notified accordingly.

VIII. The merit of candidates exempted from the Entrances test shall be as follows:

70% weightage in Masters

30% weightage in interview

IX. The University will maintain the list of all the Ph.D. Candidates (completed or pursuing) on its website on a year-to-year basis. The list shall include the name of the registered candidate, the topic of his/her research, the name of his/her supervisor/co-supervisor, date of Registration.

X. University, before conducting the entrance test for PhD programme, will decide on an annual basis a predetermined and manageable number of Ph.D. scholars to be admitted depending on the number of Research Supervisors, and other academic and physical facilities available. Keeping in mind the norms regarding the scholar-teacher ratio, laboratory, library and other facilities through DRC and send it to the Dean (Academics/Research/Faculty).


A. Provisional Registration:

A candidate who is eligible for admission as a research student for the degree of Ph.D. after finalizing the merit list of selected candidates or otherwise eligible, in the first instance, shall be registered provisionally under the supervision of a supervisor duly recommended by the Department Research Committee (DRC) and approved by the Vice-chancellor through Dean (Academics/Research/Faculty) Affairs.

The application for provisional registration should be submitted in the office of Dean (Academics/Research/Faculty) Affairs along with a consent form and admission form for registration along with a fee prescribed by the University from time to time:

I. Self-attested Photo Copies of Matriculation, Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree and DMC, copy of Aadhar card.

II. No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the concerned department /institution as prescribed (If the applicant is employed).

III. Summary of the research problem in about 500 words. It should briefly cover a tentative outline research proposal along with a tentative topic.

IV. The above process shall be completed within 15 days from the date the merit list is prepared and notified.

V. Once the application, complete in all respects, is received in the office of Dean (Academics/Research/Faculty) Affairs, the Dean (Academics/Research/Faculty) Affairs will frame a Research Advisory Committee (RAC) to regulate/supervise the candidate.

VI. After the approval of provisional registration of the candidate for Ph.D. by the Vice-chancellor through Dean (Academics/Research/Faculty) Affairs, the date on which the candidate deposits the registration fee, will be considered as the date of provisional registration.

VII. The six-monthly progress reports submitted by the Research Scholar and duly signed by RAC shall be forwarded by the Head of the Department for consideration by DRC.

VIII. The candidate will also deliver a six-monthly presentation before RAC.

IX. The Research Advisory Committee (RAC) will evaluate the presentation of the candidate and give constructive suggestions for improvement in the research work and to complete other formalities related to the research work of the candidate till the completion of the thesis.

X. The research candidate will deliver a departmental seminar two years after the date of his/her provisional registration to apprise the teachers and research scholars of the Department of the progress of the research done by him/her and get feedback.

B. Cancellation of Provisional Registration/ Registration:

Candidate’s provisional registration/registration will be cancelled, if he/she

I. Does not register for course work in the ongoing/immediately following semesters (if admitted mid-semester) on his/her admission to Ph.D.

II. Fails to maintain the required CGPA/percentage in the course work as per rules.

III. If the progress of the research scholar is found not satisfactory by the RAC and shall record the reasons for the same to suggest corrective measures. If the research scholar fails to implement these corrective measures, the RAC followed by the DRC may recommend specific reasons for the cancellation of the provisional registration/ registration of the research scholar.

IV. Does not pay the fee/dues in time.

V. Commits to plagiarism or unethical practices in research.

VI. Indulges in activities of indiscipline,

VII. Remains absent himself/ herself from the Department without permission of the competent authority.

VIII. Fails to submit synopsis within prescribed limits.

IX. Request by the candidate and his/her application recommended by the supervisor and forwarded by the Head of the Department.


I. After a candidate has made reasonable progress, he/she will be eligible to submit the synopsis along with the prescribed form recommended by the Supervisor and forwarded by the Head of the Department after one year from the date of provisional registration but not later than two years from the date of provisional registration. However, If the candidate fails to submit his/her synopsis within limit period from the date of provisional registration, the Dean (Academics/Research/Faculty) Affairs may grant an extension of six months for the submission of the synopsis with a fine as prescribed by the university from time to time as a late fee. Further that the maximum time limit for submission of synopsis after the date of provisional registration shall be two & half years, after which no extension shall be granted. If the candidate is unable to submit the synopsis after the completion of the extended time period, the provisional registration of the candidate will automatically stand cancelled. The application must be accompanied by an appropriate number of copies of the synopsis containing the following:

For Science and Engineering & Technology related subjects:

  • Title of the synopsis.
  • Review of literature
  • Objectives
  • Work Plan
  • Result and discussion.
  • Brief summary & future plan
  • Bibliography

For other Subjects:

  • Title of the synopsis
  • Review of the literature
  • Objectives
  • Research Methodology
  • Proposed Chapter Scheme
  • Bibliography

II. Before submitting the synopsis the candidate is required to pay/clear all outstanding fees/charges prescribed by the university from time to time and attach a certificate to this effect from the accounts section of DAV University.

III. The Research Degree Committee (RDC) will evaluate the synopsis.

IV. List of a minimum of six external experts, with complete addresses, contact numbers and e-mail IDs, to be submitted by the Supervisor to Dean (Academics/Research/Faculty) Affairs through the Head of the Department, out of which, the Vice Chancellor shall appoint one of them as an external expert. Vice-Chancellor/ Dean (Academics/ Research/ Faculty) Affairs, however, can appoint any other expert if deemed so.

V. The meeting of the RDC may be fixed within a notice period of 10 to 12 days. Notice shall be served to all the members including the applicant to remain present for the same. The synopsis of the Research Scholar will be duly considered by the RDC for approval. The committee may also suggest changes in the synopsis and reconsider the modified version. Once the synopsis is approved by the RDC same shall be forwarded to the Research Degree Board (RDB).

VI. RDB in its meeting shall approve the RDC recommendations to finalize the registration as well as approve title of the thesis. After approval of the final title by RDB, the registration letter shall be issued to the concerned candidate having approved title in it. However, the date of registration will have the back effect that is from date of provisional registration.


A. Eligibility of Supervisor and Allotment of Scholar

I. Any regular Teacher of DAV University with PhD degree shall be eligible to act as a supervisor.

II. All regular Professor of the University/Institution Deemed to be a University/ College with at least five research publications in refereed journals and any regular Associate/ Assistant Professor of the university /institution deemed to be a university/college with a Ph.D. degree and at least three research publications in refereed journals may be recognized as Research Supervisor.

III. The external supervisors in normal circumstances shall not be allowed to register as a single supervisor. However, the Co-Supervisor shall be allowed in inter-disciplinary areas from other departments of DAV University or other related institutions/colleges/ universities with the approval of the Departmental Research Committee.

IV. The allocation of a Research Supervisor for a selected research scholar shall be decided by the DRC of the Department concerned depending on the number of scholars per Research Supervisor, the available specialization among the Supervisors and the research interests of the scholars as indicated by them at the time of interview/viva voce.

V. A Research Supervisor/Co-supervisor who is a Professor, at any given point of time, cannot guide more than eight (8) Ph.D. scholars. An Associate Professor as Research Supervisor can guide up to a maximum of six (6) Ph.D. scholars and an Assistant Professor as Research Supervisor can guide up to a maximum of four (4) Ph.D. scholars. For this purpose, a candidate who has submitted his thesis will not be counted for the above purposes.

VI. Each supervisor can guide up to two international research scholars on a supernumerary basis over and above the permitted number of Ph.D.

VII. During the period when a candidate is pursuing his research work and has not completed 60% of the research work, his/her supervisor/supervisors leave DAV University due to any reasons (including attaining the age of superannuation), shall be allotted a new supervisor/supervisors by the DRC.

VIII. However, if the candidate has already completed 60% and has not submitted his/her Ph.D. synopsis DRC will allocate a co-supervisor along with the already guiding supervisor. Furthermore, if the candidate has submitted the Ph.D. thesis, the same supervisor who is leaving the university (if otherwise agrees) shall continue to act as a guide till the time the candidate is awarded a Ph.D. degree.

IX. In case the new Supervisor/Co-Supervisor in the concerned department has a full quota of registered candidates, he/she shall be allowed to guide such additional number of Candidates (Not more than Three for Professor, Two for Associate Professor and one for Assistant Professor) for this purpose, in addition to the number of candidates already Registered with him/her. Such cases will be approved by the Vice-Chancellor on the recommendations of the Department Research Committee.

X. Adjunct Faculty members shall not act as Research Supervisors and can only act as co-supervisors.

XI. In case of relocation of a Ph.D. woman scholar due to marriage, with the permission of DRC the research data shall be allowed to be transferred to the University to which the scholar intends to relocate provided all the other conditions in these regulations are followed in letter and spirit and the research work does not pertain to the project secured by the parent institution/supervisor from any funding agency. The scholar will however give due credit to the parent guide and the institution for the part of the research already done.

XII. Supervisor / Co-supervisor shall not be allowed to guide a relative; blood relative or any such person as might be deemed a close relation of the candidate by the Vice-chancellor. Candidate shall not be financially dependent upon supervisor or person living in the premises where the supervisor is also putting up.

XIII. Faculty members with less than three years of service before superannuation shall not be allowed to take new research scholars under their supervision. However, such faculty members can continue to supervise Ph.D. scholars who are already registered until superannuation and as co-supervisor after superannuation, but not after attaining the age of 70 years.

B. Change of the Supervisor

  • i. The supervisor has superannuated and has gone out of the station.
  • ii. The supervisor goes on Extra Ordinary Leave for an extended period beyond one year;
  • iii. The supervisor gets incapacitated and is unable to guide the student;
  • iv. On the sad demise of the supervisor;
  • v. In exceptional circumstances, by the speaking orders of the competent authority.

The department will send a speaking request for a change of supervisor in case of above-mentioned conditions with documentary evidence for RDC to decide the case after the recommendation of DRC. However, the earlier date of provisional registration/registration shall stand.

In all other cases, not covered under the above conditions and if the student wishes to change supervisor, he/she will enroll/ register afresh, following the procedure of admission as mentioned above.

In case the student has completed the Pre-Ph.D. course at DAV University and cleared the course, the privilege of foregoing the Pre-Ph.D. course will be considered with the approval of the Vice Chancellor.

C. Allocation of Co-Supervisor:

The allocation of a co-supervisor, in addition to the Supervisor, during the Ph.D. provisional registration/ registration can be made by the DRC with valid reasons. Co-supervisors from within the same department or other departments of the same institution or other institutions may be permitted with the approval of the competent authority.


I. All candidates admitted to the Ph.D. programmes shall be required to complete the full-time course work prescribed by the Department during the first semesters. However, RAC can provide a chance within one year to the candidate who is unable to take up/ complete the course in the first semester due to unavoidable circumstances.

II. The course work shall be a prerequisite for proceeding further in the Ph.D. programme. The coursework shall be 14 credits.

a. Research Methodology (RM) 4 Credits

b. Foundation Courses- 4 Credits

c. Specialization course- 4 Credits

d. Research and Publication Ethics (RPE) 2 Credits

RM will cover areas such as quantitative methods, computer applications, research ethics and review of published research in the relevant field, training, fieldwork, etc, and get due approval of the Board of Studies (BoS). Department concerned shall ensure that all course prescribed for Ph.D. course work shall be in conformity with the credit hour instructional requirement and shall specify content, instructional and assessment methods and be duly approved by the BoS followed by Academic council.

III. Ph.D. scholar should obtain a minimum of 55 % of marks (or an equivalent grade/CGPA in a point scale wherever the grading system is followed) in the course work to be eligible to continue in the programme and submit the dissertation/thesis. Grades in the course work, including research methodology courses shall be finalized after a combined assessment by the Research Advisory Committee and the Department and the final grades shall be communicated to the departmental head for further information to the Controller of Examination/ Dean (Academics/Research/Faculty) Affairs.

IV. Fee for course work will be as prescribed by university from time to time.

V. The examination pattern for the coursework in PhD programme will be as per University Guidelines.

VI. Direct fellowship awardees or candidates registered for Ph.D. during the middle of the semester will take up coursework in the following semester.


I. If a candidate wants to submit Ph.D. thesis, he/she should inform the office of Dean (Academics/Research/Faculty) Affairs through a letter forwarded by his/her supervisor mentioning that he/she intends to submit his/her thesis.

II. The candidate will give a pre-submission open house seminar before submission of thesis. The presentation shall be made by the Research Scholar, in the presence of the HoD, all faculty members and research scholars. The date for the seminar will be fixed by the supervisor in consultation with the Head of the Department under information to the Dean (Academics/Research/Faculty) Affairs with at least one week's notice. A biannual progress report needs not be submitted, once the candidate accomplished his/her pre-submission seminar. There is no need to submit the bi-annual progress report. A report including a copy of the presentation and recommendation of the DRC will be sent to the Dean (Academics/Research/Faculty) Affairs for further action.

III. After the seminar three copies of the summary of the thesis should be submitted to the Dean (Academics/Research/Faculty) Affairs /Examination Branch, within three months from the date of open house seminar.

IV. The title of the thesis will be finalized by the supervisor after the seminar. If any minor changes & other corrections in the topic at time of Open Seminar are recommended, these minor changes & other corrections (if any) can be made with the approval of the Chairman, Research Degree Board (Vice chancellor) on the recommendation of the supervisor and Head of the Department and Dean (Academics/Research/Faculty) Affairs.

V. Panel for submission: After the approval of DRC for the submission of the thesis, the Head of the Department in consultation with the supervisor should submit a panel of a minimum six examiners, accompanied by a hard (three copies) and a soft copy of summary of the thesis within a week so that the consent of two examiners can be obtained before the submission of the thesis. The proposed panel should include the full particulars containing designation, area of specialization, e-mail, complete address, and contact number etc. of all examiners. In addition to the names submitted by the supervisor, the Vice Chancellor/ Dean (Academics/Research/Faculty) Affairs can add additional names to the panel of examiners. The vice chancellor will select any two examiners from the list from whom the consent for evaluation is to be obtained.

In case of retired persons, their last designation shall be indicated without which the panel would be considered incomplete.

In case the panel of examiners is not received from the Head of the department within one week from the date of submission of the summary of the thesis, the Dean (Academics/Research/Faculty) Affairs will convene a meeting of the Head of the department and supervisor of the candidate to submit the panel of examiners.

Provided that where there is no Head of the department in a subject or the Head of the department is the research supervisor of the candidate, the Dean (Academics/Research/Faculty) Affairs, of the faculty/Senior most teacher of faculty concerned may suggest a panel of examiners in consultation with the supervisor.

If no consent is received from an examiner within one month, a new examiner shall be appointed.

The persons recommended for the evaluation of the thesis should invariably be Professors or of equivalent rank. However, in case the expert in the field are not available or refuse to give consent, the consent for evaluation may be obtained from Associate professor having at least three years of research experience. The research section is required to obtain prior consent for the evaluation of the thesis from the proposed experts.

VI. A candidate must submit four copies of Ph.D thesis within three months from the date of presentation of the pre-submission seminar in compact size typed in one-and-a-half space in Times New Roman, Font size 11, with double side printing except for photographs which can be on one side of the page in hardbound form to the Examination Branch/Thesis/research Section along with examination fee as prescribed by the university.

VII. In case of non-submission of the thesis within the stipulated period, if the candidate seeks an extension of a further three months from the Dean (Academics/Research/Faculty) Affairs he/she has to pay a late fee as prescribed by the university and no further extension will be permitted. However, it should not cross the actual date of submission of the thesis as prescribed in the duration of programme.

VIII. A certificate from the supervisor, and co-supervisor (if any) should be submitted that the thesis is fit to be considered for evaluation for award of the degree of Ph.D. The candidate shall also submit a certificate attested by the supervisor that the thesis is entirely based on his/her own work, and that all ideas and references have been duly acknowledged.

IX. At the time of submission of thesis, the candidate should submit a certificate on the prescribed form that there is no plagiarism in the submitted thesis.

X. The thesis presented by the candidate must be a part of original research work characterized either by the discovery of new facts or by fresh interpretation of facts or theories or should consist of applied work, such as developing and fabricating special instruments or apparatus and should show the candidate's capacity for critical examination and judgment and for lucid presentation.

XI. The candidate will not be permitted to submit his/her thesis for the degree unless his/her supervisor is satisfied that the thesis presented is worthy of consideration for the award of the Ph.D. degree.

XII. The candidate may incorporate in his/her thesis, the contents of any work, which he/she may have published on the subject and shall inform the examiners if he/she has done so; but he/she shall not submit his/her thesis on any work, for which a degree has already been conferred upon him/her by this or any other University.

XIII. Provided that in case the work was done through collaboration, a certificate duly signed by all collaborators and counter-signed by the supervisor concerned, to the effect that none of the collaborators has made or will make use of the joint work (published/unpublished) incorporated in this thesis for the award of any degree/diploma of any University/Institution, shall be furnished along with the thesis. Also, he/she has to submit a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the collaborating organization.


A. Evaluation Report:

The examiners on evaluation of the thesis may recommend one of the following:

a. that the degree of Ph.D. be awarded to the candidate


b. that the thesis be revised as suggested and resubmitted.


c. that the thesis be rejected

In each case, the examiners shall clearly submit to the University his/her critical evaluation, comments and suggestions on the Ph.D. thesis. Each examiner shall also send at least five questions to be asked from the candidate at the time of Viva-Voce.

B. Negative Report:

I. If one examiner has submitted a negative report or suggested revision, the Dean (Academics/Research/Faculty) Affairs will send the case to the Vice-Chancellor for consideration by the Committee consisting of:-

i. Dean (Academics/Research) Affairs

ii. Director of Research (if any)

iii. Dean of the Faculty/Senior most teacher of faculty concerned.

iv. Head of Department

v. Supervisor of the Candidate.

II. The committee will consider all the two reports and give its specific recommendation as to whether

a. The thesis has to be revised and re-submitted


b. The thesis may be accepted and viva voce held

III. If two or all examiners reject the thesis then the thesis shall be rejected for award of the Degree.

IV. In case one examiner recommends the award of the Degree, the second recommends revision and the third either rejects or recommends revision, then the candidate shall be advised to re-submit the thesis after making necessary changes.

V. The revised thesis must be submitted within one year from the date of intimation of the revision of thesis to the candidate. The revised thesis shall normally be resubmitted for evaluation to the same examiner(s) who had recommended the revision. If the examiner(s) recommend the award of the Degree, then the viva voce examination may be held. In case the examiner(s) again recommend revision or rejection, the thesis shall be sent to another examiner for evaluation. If he/she also recommends revision the candidate will be given chance to revise thesis within six months from the date of communication and will be required to submit 3 copies of the thesis and same shall be sent to new set of two examiners out of panel. In case again negative report is received the thesis shall be rejected.

VI. For evaluation of the thesis not more than three months be given to any examiner. If any examiner fails to send the report within three months, a new examiner be appointed. If in due course, the report is received from the first examiner, the report shall be considered with the consent of the Vice-Chancellor.

VII. The evaluation process and reports of examiners must be kept confidential till the time of Viva voce.

C. Viva-voce

I. In case, all the two reports are positive, the case will be put up to the Vice Chancellor for appointing one of the examiners for conduct of viva voce of the candidate. Viva-voce of the candidate will be conducted by a committee consisting of the Head of the Department, supervisor and an examiner of the candidate's thesis.

II. Reports of the thesis evaluated by the examiners will be read by the Committee before conducting viva-voce.

III. The viva-voce examination of the candidate for the Ph.D. shall be a public viva voce where all the members and research fellows in the faculty will be invited to be present. At least four days’ notice will be given to the faculty members to attend the viva voce. Attendance of the presentation will be kept as a record.

IV. The committee conducting the viva voce of the candidate will consider the reports of all the examiners, ask questions raised in these reports and get the clarifications regarding the comments of the examiners and this fact be mentioned in the viva voce report.

V. The reports of the examiners shall be given to candidate once the result is declared so as to improve the thesis as suggested by the examiners.

D. Approval and Final Submission:

I. Along with the reports of the Ph.D. viva-voce of the candidate, copy of attendance record, the Head of the Department would send the following certificate duly signed by the Supervisor/ Co-Supervisor and countersigned by him, that "All the corrections/revisions if any, suggested by the external examiners have been incorporated in the thesis."

II. On the recommendation of the Dean (Academics/Research/Faculty) Affairs, and approval of the Vice-Chancellor, The result of Ph.D. degree of a candidate be deemed to have been notified by Dean (Academics/Research/Faculty) Affairs and Controller of Examination shall publish the result.

III. If recommended for the award of the Ph.D. Degree, the date of approval of the Vice Chancellor will be considered as the date of award of the Ph.D. degree. Prior to the actual award of the degree, the DAV University shall issue a provisional Certificate to the effect that the Degree has been awarded in accordance with the provisions of the UGC Regulations,2022.

IV. After evaluation and successful completion of the final viva voce of PhD, the candidate is required to submit two copies of the final thesis in hardbound for the library and examination branch. In addition to that, the candidate is advised to submit a copy to his/her supervisor/co-supervisor.

V. A certificate of required changes incorporated by student that suggested by examiner should be attached in final thesis.

VI. It is mandatory to submit a soft copy (in MS Word or PDF format) in the form of a CD containing chapter-wise files of the thesis for keeping in the University Library/UGC-INFLIBINET.


A candidate wishing to enroll as Full/Part-Time Scholar for the Ph.D. Degree shall fill out the prescribed form and submit the same along with a fee to the Registrar, DAV University

There shall be two categories of candidates admitted to this programme:

I. Full-Time: A candidate can register himself/herself as full-time scholar if he/she has a scholarship/ fellowship/study leave from an organization/ or without fellowship who is neither employed nor is pursuing any other course of studies and whose supervisor is working in the jurisdiction of DAV University.

II. Part-Time: Any eligible person can register himself/herself as a part-time scholar but he/she will have to attend Pre-Ph.D. course work regularly as per the programmes of the respective departments. Further, the part-time scholar has to stay in the department concerned in the University for research work for at least One Year (Excluding the period of course work) which is to be certified by the Supervisor and counter-attested by the HoD. This period may be completed either in one stretch or in parts.

III. Conversion from full-time to part-time: If a full-time Ph.D. student wishes to join a job, he/she will have to apply for conversion of his/her registration from full-time to part-time before joining the job. Along with the application for conversion, the candidate has to deposit the fee prescribed by the university.

IV. Conversion from part to full-time: If a candidate wishes to apply for conversion of his/her registration from part-time to full-time he/she has to apply for conversion along with the fee prescribed by the university.


A. Research Advisory Committee (RAC)

  1. i. Dean (Academics/Research/Faculty) Affairs or Nominee (Chairman)
  2. ii. Supervisor/supervisors
  3. iii. One Subject Expert (Internal)
  4. iv. One Related Subject Expert (Internal)

B. Departmental Research /Advisory Committee (DRC)

  1. i. Head of the Department/Coordinator of the Department (Chairman)
  2. ii. All Professors and Associate Professors.
  3. iii. Two Assistant Professors (by rotation on an annual basis)

C. Research Degree Committee (RDC)

  1. i. Dean (Academics/Research/Faculty) Affairs or Nominee (Chairman)
  2. ii. Head of the Department / Coordinator of the Department
  3. iii. Supervisor/supervisors
  4. iv. All regular teachers
  5. v. One External Expert (to be nominated by the Vice-chancellor)

D. Research Degree Board (RDB)

  1. i. Vice Chancellor
  2. ii. Dean (Academics/Research/Faculty) Affairs
  3. iii. All HOD/COD with Ph.D Degree
  4. iv. All Professors/Associate Professors of the Departments

General Fees

S No. Fee Type Amount
1. Entrance form/Application Rs. 1000/-
2. Enrollment/Provisional Registration Rs. 10000/-
3. Security (Refundable) Rs. 10000/-
4. Annual fee (to be paid in two installments, six monthly) Rs. 22000/- + Rs. 22000/-
5. Course Work (Rs. 10000/- per paper) Rs. 40000/-
6. Examination Rs. 2000/-
7. Thesis Submission & Defense Rs. 15000/-
8. Other miscellaneous Rs. 1000/-

Late Fees

S No. Fee Type Amount
1. Registration Rs. 10,000/-
2. Annual Progress Report Rs. 2,500/-

Other Fees

S No. Fee Type Amount
1. Topic modification Rs. 10,000/-
2. Extension in research tenure beyond 5th year of research Rs. 25,000/-
3. Extension in research tenure beyond 6th year of research Rs. 35,000/-
4. Extension in thesis submission (for three months) Rs. 10,000/-
5. Conversion fee (full-time to part-time and vice versa) Rs. 10,000/-

Note: Hike in the fee applicable to the Ph.D. course shall be decided by the Ph.D. Committee on a year-to-year basis.