Educational Trip to Harike Wetlands on 9th April, 2016
As a part of M.Sc. and B.Sc. Curriculum, one day trip was organized by to Harike wetlands by Department of Botany, DAV University, Jalandhar. The major objective was to familiarize the students with the flora and ecology of the region. Also to acquaint them with the importance of wetlands and the threats these ecosystems face due to natural and anthropogenic pressures. A group of 72 students (65 Botany and 7 Zoology) were accompanied by Dr. Geetanjali Manchanda, Dr. Ashish Sharma, Dr. Rakesh, Mr. Sahil Batra and Sh. Tehal Dass of Botany department. Students collected soil samples for analysis from various sites at Harike under the supervision of Dr. Geetanjali. As a part of their curriculum, students collected plants for herbarium preparation with Dr. Ashish Sharma. Students were familiarized with the fruit dispersal mechanism of Dhatura inoxia, Withania somnifera, Ricinus communis and patterns of bark maturation in Eucalyptus citridora by Dr. Rakesh Kumar. The trip successfully inculcated in students the practicality of different theoretical concepts of Botany.

Educational trip – P.U. Chandigarh
A trip was organized for B.Sc. and MSc. Botany Hons. students to Botanical Garden, Panjab University, Chandigarh, where students observed different plants growing in their natural habitats which included a mesmerizing view of the Cactus garden, Gymnosperm diversity, exotic varieties of bamboos and angiosperm of medicinal and ornamental importance. Thereafter, students visited Herbarium/Museum of Botany Department, P.U. Chandigarh. An enormous collection of specimens, reflecting the rich diversity of the flora of the region was shown to the students. Also, the students visited the Central Instrument Facility, Department of Botany, P.U. Chandigarh. They were familiarized with different analytical instruments like HPLC, GEL DOC, Spectrophotometer etc. The visit helped in inculcating scientific aptitude in the students towards plant sciences.
Field Trip to Nain Farm, Panipat
As a party of M.Sc. curriculum, a field trip for M.Sc. students was organized to Nain Farm, Panipat on 10th March, 2015. The objective of the trip was to familiarize the students with salt affected lands. Salinity is the major problem today faced by Indian agriculture. The farm is an experimental site and is located west of Panipat on Gohana road. The climate there is Semi arid and sub tropical and it receives an average rainfall of 678mm. At the site, students observed different methods of conducting scientific field experiments. The experiments being conducted on the site included analysis of the effect of nutrients, bacterial consortia, mulching etc. on plants Brassica and wheat plants growing in saline soils. An experimental site for agro forestry research on saline land was also shown. This included plantations of trees like Eucalyptus and Melia in saline soils along with the crop plants. The students collected soil samples from different salt affected sites. These samples are currently being analyzed in laboratory of Botany department, D.A.V. University, Jalandhar. The effects of wind and water erosion leading to land degradation was also shown to student. The trip proved to be very useful, as they could relate the theoretical knowledge with the field observations.
Institute visit to CSSRI, Karnal on 11th March 2015
Visit to Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Karnal was organized for students on 11th march 2015. In CSSRI the students visited Technology Information centre, Central laboratory and Metrological laboratory. CSSRI was established in 1969 by the government of India in order to develop methods for reclamation of salt affected soils and sodic soils. The research in the institute is focused towards development of methods for sustainable crop cultivation on saline and alkaline soils. There students learned about the methods of irrigation and soil drainage which can be followed to reclaim the saline soil. The students also learned about the different salt tolerant varieties of rice and wheat that have been developed by CSSRI for such soils. The use of Gypsum was highlighted for reclamation of alkaline soils. Besides these, students also visited central laboratory where they were exposed to advance technique of soil analysis like HPLC, Ion Chromatography, AAS and ICP-MS. Alongside this, state of the art metrological laboratory set up by IMD (Indian metrological dept.) where they learnt different methods of predicting the climatic changes. The trip was very enlightening and knowledge enhancing for students.