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DAV UNIVERSITY                                                                                                                                      UNDERGRADUATE AND POSTGRADUATE PROSPECTUS 2023 - 2024
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         Agricultural, Food Science                                 Physical Education &                                        Law & Legal Studies                                        Humanities & Social

         & Technology and Agri                                      Sports                                                                                                                 Sciences
         Business Management

                                                                    Welcome to the world of Physical Education &                                                                           Set out on a transformative journey through our
                                                                    Sports at DAV University, where we foster a                                                                            English Programmes, where the power of
          Step into the world of Agricultural and Food              passion for physical activity, sportsmanship, and                                                                      language and literature come alive. Our
          Science & Technology and unlock the potential to          holistic well-being.                                                                                                   comprehensive curriculum offers a
          shape the future of agriculture and food systems.                                                                                                                                multidimensional approach to studying English,
                                                                    Our programs provide a comprehensive                                                                                   encompassing language, literature, creative
          Our programmes combine scientific knowledge                understanding of sports science, exercise                                                                              writing, and cultural studies. From exploring
          with technology to address the challenges of              physiology, coaching methodologies, and sports                                                                         classic works to analyzing contemporary texts,
          sustainable agriculture, food production, and             management. Through a combination of                                                                                   students develop critical thinking,
          food safety. Through a multidisciplinary approach,        theoretical knowledge and practical training,                                                                          communication, and analytical skills. Through
          students gain expertise in areas such as crop             students develop the skills to promote fitness,                                                                         engaging seminars, workshops, and interactive
          science, soil science, plant breeding, animal             athleticism, and sports excellence. Our state-of-                                                                      discussions, they hone their writing abilities and
          science, food processing, and quality control.            the-art sports facilities and expert faculty create                                                                    cultivate a deep appreciation for the complexities
          Practical training, fieldwork, and access to               an environment conducive to athletic growth and                                                                        of language. Our experienced faculty, comprising
          modern laboratories enable students to develop            personal development.                                                                                                  renowned scholars and writers, provide
         innovative solutions for industry. Join us in                                                                                                                                     mentorship and guidance, nurturing students'
         exploring the crucial intersection of agriculture          Whether you aspire to be a coach, sports                                                                               literary talents and fostering a love for the written
         and technology to contribute towards ensuring              administrator, fitness trainer, or sports scientist,                                                                    word. Whether aspiring to be a writer, editor,
         food security and nutritional well-being for               our programs equip you with the necessary                                                                              teacher, or literary scholar, our English
         generations to come.                                       expertise to excel in your chosen field. Join us in                                                                     Programmes equip students with the skills and
                                                                    embracing the power of physical education and                Immerse yourself in the world of Law and Legal            knowledge to excel in their chosen path.
                                                                    sports to promote a healthier, more active society.          Studies Integrated Programmes at DAV
                                                                    Let's embark on a journey of athletic excellence             University, where we cultivate the next                   Psychology Programme: Forge connections
                                                                    and inspire future generations to lead active,               generation of legal professionals and critical            between theory and practice through our
         Please refer to Page 34 for available                      fulfilling lives.                                             thinkers.                                                 Psychology Programme, featuring valuable
         programmes & eligibility                                                                                                                                                          partnerships with renowned hospitals and
                                                                                                                                 Our integrated undergraduate programmes and               mental health institutions, offering students
                                                                                                                                 innovative postgraduate offer a comprehensive             hands-on experience and opportunities for real-
                                                                                                                                 curriculum that combines legal theory, practical
                                                                    Please refer to Page 35 for available                        skills, and interdisciplinary perspectives.               world application of psychological principles in a
         Education                                                  programmes & eligibility                                                                                               clinical setting.
                                                                                                                                 From constitutional law to international law,             Journalism and Mass Communication: Dive into
                                                                                                                                 students delve into diverse areas of legal study,         the realm of media and communication in our
          Discover the world of Education Programmes at                                                                          honing their research, writing, and advocacy              Journalism and Mass Communication
          DAV University, where we strive to shape the                                                                           skills. Through internships, moot court                                    Programme, where you'll
          future of education through innovative teaching                                                                        competitions, and legal clinics, students gain                                 engage in immersive
          methodologies and research-backed practices.                                                                           hands-on experience and develop a deep                                           experiences, industry
          Our programmes offer a comprehensive                                                                                   understanding of the legal profession.                                            internships, and
          understanding of educational theories,                                                                                                                                                                    collaborate with
          pedagogical approaches, and curriculum                                                                                 Our esteemed faculty, comprising experienced                                        leading media
          development. Through practical training, field                                                                          legal practitioners and scholars, provide                                           organizations,
          experiences, and engaging classroom                                                                                    mentorship and guidance throughout the                                              fostering practical
          discussions, students gain the skills to become                                                                        journey.                                                                            skills and
          effective educators, curriculum specialists,                                                                                                                                                               networking
          educational administrators, and researchers.                                                                           Join us to embark on a rewarding path towards a                                    opportunities for a
                                                                                                                                 successful legal career, equipped with the                                        successful career in
         Join us in exploring the dynamic field of                                                                                knowledge, skills, and ethical framework                                        the field.
         education, where we empower future                                                                                      necessary to make a positive impact on society
         generations with knowledge, critical thinking                                                                           and uphold justice.
         skills, and a passion for lifelong learning.
                                                                                                                                                                                           Please refer to Page 36 for available
                                                                                                                                Please refer to Page 36 for available                      programmes & eligibility
         Please refer to Page 34 for available                                                                                  programmes & eligibility
         programmes & eligibility
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