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 Engineering &  Computer Science &  Commerce, Business              Sciences Programmes

 Technology  Applications  Management & Economics

 Are you ready to shape the future with   Embrace the opportunities that await you in the   We recognize the importance of preparing you   Embark on an exciting journey of discovery and
 Engineering and Technology? In today's rapidly   dynamic field of computer applications, and be   for the realities of the professional world. Our   innovation as you explore the natural world
 evolving world, the boundaries between global   prepared to make a meaningful impact in our   specialized programmes empower you with a   through our Science Programmes. Gain skills,
 and local, start-ups and multinational   ever-evolving digital world.  competitive edge to tackle the complex demands   ignite curiosity, and make an impact in the
 corporations, and hard and soft skills are   of the modern business landscape.  scientific community and society at large.
 becoming increasingly blurred. To thrive in this   Our computer applications
 dynamic landscape, you need to be AGILE –   programmes are designed to   Consider the diverse range of future career   Our diverse range of science programmes offers
 academically rigorous, globally minded,   provide you with an   opportunities that await you:  students an exceptional opportunity to delve into
 industry-relevant, leadership-nurturing, and   education that is rigorous,   fascinating fields such as Chemistry,
 entrepreneurial.  globally focused, industry-  Banking and Finance: Pursue roles in investment   Microbiology, Zoology, Physics, Biotechnology,
 relevant, leadership-  banking, financial analysis, or risk management,   and Botany.
 At our institution, we understand the   nurturing.  contributing to economic growth.
 importance of preparing you for the real                           In our state-of-the-art laboratories, students
 world of engineering. Our curriculum is   Our programmes offer   Marketing and Brand Management: Craft   conduct experiments and research under the
 designed to provide you with a   specialized tracks in   impactful strategies to connect businesses with   guidance of our experienced faculty members.
 comprehensive education that combines   various areas of   their target audience and driving sales.  Our Central Instrumentation Lab provides access
 theoretical knowledge with practical skills.   computer applications,   to cutting-edge equipment.
 You will gain hands-on experience through   including:  Management Consulting: Provide strategic
 projects, internships, and industry   advice and guidance to organizations, helping   In Chemistry, students uncover the mysteries of
 collaborations, allowing you to apply what   Software Development: Gain   them enhance efficiency, solve complex   matter, exploring chemical reactions and
 you've learned in real-world scenarios.  expertise in programming   problems, and achieve their goals.  mastering laboratory techniques. The
 languages, software engineering                                    Microbiology programme delves into the
 Our programs offer specializations in areas   methodologies, and application   Human Resource Development: Develop   microscopic world, studying microorganisms and
 such as:  development for different platforms.  strategies to attract, retain, and develop talent.  their impact on health and the environment.
                                                                    Zoology enthusiasts discover the wonders of the
 Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data   Data Science and Analytics: Explore the field of   Logistics and Supply Chain Management:   animal kingdom, studying behavior, biodiversity,
 Science and Computer Science: Dive into the   data science, learning how to extract insights   Optimize operations, streamline processes, and   and conservation. Physics enthusiasts unravel
 exciting realm of AI and machine learning,   from large datasets, apply statistical analysis, and   ensure efficient flow of goods and services in a   the laws of the universe, exploring fundamental
 creating intelligent systems that can analyze   utilize machine learning algorithms to solve   globalized world.  principles from subatomic particles to
 data, make predictions, and automate processes.  complex problems.             the vast expanse of space. Our
          e-Commerce: Navigate the digital landscape,                              Biotechnology programme
 Civil & Structural Engineering: Build the   User Experience (UX) Design: Develop skills in   leveraging technology to facilitate online   merges biology and
 infrastructure of the future, from bridges and   creating intuitive and user-friendly interfaces for   transactions, create seamless customer   technology, empowering
 roads to sustainable urban development,   websites, applications, and digital products,   experiences, and drive business growth.  students to harness the
 ensuring the safety, efficiency, and sustainability   focusing on enhancing the user experience.  power of living organisms
 of our built environment.  Audit: Ensure financial transparency                           for applications in
 Cybersecurity: Acquire knowledge and skills in   and compliance, providing assurance     healthcare, agriculture,
 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Explore   protecting computer systems and networks from   to stakeholders and mitigating risks.  and sustainability. In
 the field of electrical and electronic engineering,   unauthorized access, cyber threats, and data   Botany, students explore
 designing and developing advanced   breaches.  Entrepreneurship: Cultivate your          plant structure, function,
 technologies, from microelectronics to power   innovative ideas and launch your own      and ecological
 systems, that power our modern world.  Mobile App Development: Master the art of   business venture, contributing to   significance. We offer a
 building mobile applications for both iOS and   economic growth and creating           comprehensive
 Mechanical Engineering: Discover the principles   Android platforms, gaining proficiency in relevant   opportunities.  Mathematics Programme
 of mechanical engineering and product design,   programming languages and frameworks.  that explores the beauty and
 creating innovative and efficient machines,   Agri Business: Shape the agri-industry,   intricacies of numbers,
 products, and systems that improve people's lives.  Web Development: Learn the foundations of web   providing exceptional customer service and   equations, and mathematical
 development, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript,   creating unforgettable experiences.  concepts.
 and backend frameworks, enabling you to create
 dynamic and responsive websites.
 Please refer to Page 29 for available
 programmes & eligibility
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