Page 17 - Prospectus 2023-24
P. 17
Major Minor Multi-disciplinary Corporate
Students are required to enroll in Students have the opportunity to Resource
a specific major at the beginning select a minor at the end of the As part of their curriculum,
of their programme. However, second semester. The minor can students are required to take Centre
they have the option to either be chosen from disciplinary, three introductory courses that
continue with the chosen major interdisciplinary, or skill-based cover broad disciplines. These (CRC)
or switch to another major vocational education streams. It courses aim to provide a well-
within the same broad discipline enables students to gain rounded education in liberal arts
after the second semester. This additional knowledge and and sciences, exposing students
flexibility allows students to expertise in a secondary area of to various intellectual
explore different interdisciplinary study. perspectives and expanding Career Events
courses during their first year.
their knowledge base.
Skill-Enhancement Embark on a transformative journey
to success through comprehensive
Ability Enhancement Courses Value-Added Your gateway to array of year-round career events,
Courses Courses talent nurturing, thought-provoking recruitment talks,
Designed specifically to enhance potential and invaluable networking sessions.
Seize endless opportunities, connect
Students are expected to study students’ employability, skill- These courses are mandatory for with industry professionals, and pave
Modern Indian Language (MIL), enhancement courses offer all undergraduate students and identification, and the way for a flourishing career.
English, and international practical skills, hands-on cover a range of topics. They job placement.
languages with a special training, and soft skills include courses on
emphasis on language and development. These courses are understanding India, Harness its
communication skills. These tailored to provide students with environmental science,
courses focus on enhancing the necessary competencies for education, digital and expertise to
students’ linguistic abilities, the job market. technological solutions, health cultivate skills,
enabling effective and wellness, yoga education,
communication in different sports, and fitness. These courses discover hidden
contexts. aim to provide students with a abilities, and secure Personalized Career Support
holistic education for inculcate
understanding of life and society. ideal career
Academic & institutional alliances opportunities for Meet your dedicated career advisor, your constant
support system, providing resume critiques, mock
lasting success. interviews, personalized advice, and encouraging pep
talks to guide you toward success in your professional
= Dexler Information Wheat & Barley Research, Education, Gwalior (MP)
Solutions Pvt Ltd, Bangalore Karnal = Rebirth Hospital &
= Institution of Electronics & = Punjab Energy Rehabilitation Centre,
Telecommunication Development Agency, Jalandhar
Engineers (IETE), New Delhi Chandigarh = Bolster Treatment and
= Central University of Punjab, = ICAR-Central Soil Salinity Rehabilitation Centre,
Bathinda Research Institute, Kamal Jalandhar
= Centre for Development of = MSME Technology Centre, = RB Forgings Pvt Ltd, SAS
Advanced Computing, Central Institute of Hand Nagar
Mohali Tools, Jalandhar = Karam Dairy, Jalandhar
= Semi-Conductor Laboratory, = Dayanand College. Ajmer = Makeintern, New Delhi
SAS Nagar = Hans Raj College, New Delhi = Sarvhitkari Educational
= Harvard Business School = Associated Chambers of Society
Publishing, United States Commerce & Industry of = National Institute of
= Department of Science, India (ASSOCHAM), New Technology, New Delhi
Technology & Environment, Delhi = Greenla Bioenergy &
Govt of Punjab, Chandigarh = Lakshmibai National Plantations New Delhi
= ICAR-Indian Institute of Institute of Physical = Plantica Foundation
= Intel