Page 13 - Prospectus 2023-24
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 The students.                                                                Teachers at DAV University
                                                                              actively encourage experiential
                                                                              learning beyond the classroom,
 What they think about DAVU –                                                 organizing field trips that provide

 in their own words.                                                          practical exposure to engineering
                                                                              solutions in real-world settings.
                                                                              These invaluable experiences
                                                                              broadened my perspective and
                                                                              make textbook concepts come
                                                                              alive. Through their support, I am
                                                                              able to put knowledge to
                                                                              practical application.

                                                                              PRIAENKA MASIH
                                                                              Student from Germany

 I am honored to be recognized as the
 Outstanding Student of DAV University. This
 achievement reflects the holistic
 development fostered by the institution.                                           I am grateful to the
 With a focus on academics, sports, co-                                             hardworking faculty for
 curricular activities, and general conduct,                                        their guidance and support.
 DAV University has empowered me to excel                                           Clearing the National
 in multiple domains. Being an NCC cadet                                            Eligibility Test (NET) while
 and a dedicated yoga practitioner further                                          pursuing my M Com is a
 enhances my growth and character. I am                                             testament to the
 grateful for the opportunities and support                                         exceptional education and
 provided by the university.                                                        preparation I received.

 SIRJAN KAUR                                                                       ANCHAL JUNEJA
 Former BBA student                                                                Former M Com student

                                      DAV University              The nurturing
                                      provided me with            environment of
                                      a platform to               the University
                                      excel globally.             promotes
                                      Winning the title           leadership and
                                      of Miss and Mrs             offers ample
                                      Inter-Nations               avenues for
                                      Most-Popular                personal growth.
                                      showcased the               Therefore, it came
                                      university's                as no surprise that
                                      support for                 I could showcase
                                      women                       my excellence at
                                      empowerment. It             the esteemed
                                      proved that DAV             Republic Day
                                      nurtures talent             Camp 2019, where
                                      and enabling us             I had the
                                      to achieve                  opportunity to
 I owe a lot to the University’s faculty and   remarkable feats   display my talents
 infrastructure for paving my way for   on an                     and abilities on a
 research in Mathematics              international               prestigious
                                      stage.                      platform.
 Mannat Mand
                                      SIRJAN KAUR                TARANJOT SINGH
 Former M Sc student                  Former BBA student         Research Scholar
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