Page 48 - Prospectus 2022-23
P. 48
46 | Prospectus 2022-23
LEGAL STUDIES procedural law, students gain lawyering
skills through practical training papers
School of Law & Legal Studies was and clinical legal programmes. School of
established in the year 2020 with an law inculcates sound research and writing
objective to produce competent law skills among students by requiring them to
graduates who can be instrumental in write research papers and participate in the
delivering goods as Advocates, Judicial activities of the Research Centers.
officers, Legal advisors and Law officers/
Executives not only in legal arena but CAREER PROSPECTS
in corporate and business world as well.
School of law is making a rapid progress by Students after completing the course can
imparting comprehensive legal education practice in the courts as advocates. Students
to illuminate pragmatic and theoretical can opt to join government services after
concerns to achieve excellence in the field completing BALLB. They can become legal
of law. School of law is recognized by the advisor or join law firms, private companies,
Bar Council of India and offers five year corporate firms, or banks. Students are also
B.A.LL.B (Hons.) integrated law course. free to work for the Judicial machinery
of country as a Judge or Magistrate after
Our mission is to preparing students to passing judicial services examination.
enter and continue in the legal profession
with the highest level of skill possible, COURSE OFFERED
with a firm commitment to principles
of professional responsibility as well B.A.LL.B. (Hons.)
as to increase legal awareness in the DURATION
community and to provide legal aid to the
underprivileged sections of the society.
B.A.LL.B. (Hons.) 5 Years
School of law is committed to providing ELIGIBILITY
global legal education to its students. To
fulfill this objective, the curriculum and B.A.LL.B. (Hons.):
pedagogy is designed to give extensive
exposure to students to domestic, Passed with 45% aggregate marks (40%
international and comparative law courses. marks in case of candidate belonging to SC/
ST) in 10+2 examination or equivalent.
Students at School of law study compulsory
courses and choose from an unparalleled MEDIUM OF INSTRUCTION: English
array of elective courses on substantive and