Page 43 - Prospectus 2022-23
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plant pathologist, taxonomist, farming main employers of chemistry graduates
consultant and plant biochemist. are in the chemical and related industries
including agrochemicals, metallurgical,
COURSES OFFERED petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, plastics
and polymers and toiletries. However, pass
Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.) Hons in Botany out students may also find opportunities
with employers in many different sectors,
Master of Science (M. Sc.) Hons in Botany including the food and beverage industry,
utilities and research, health and medical
DURATION organisations, the government and
scientific research organisations and
B.Sc. (Hons) 3 Years agencies. They may seek employment
in schools, colleges and universities,
M.Sc. (Hons) 2 Years environment consultancies and water
B. Sc. (Hons):
Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.) Hons in
Passed with 50% aggregate marks (45% Chemistry
marks in case of candidate belonging to SC/
ST) in 10+2 examination or equivalent with Master of Science (M. Sc.) Hons in Chemistry
English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
M. Sc. (Hons):
B.Sc. (Hons) 3 Years
Passed with 50% aggregate marks (45%
marks in case of candidate belonging to M.Sc. (Hons) 2 Years
SC/ST) in Bachelor’s degree with biological
Sciences there to with Botany as one of the ELIGIBILITY
elective subjects or equivalent.
B. Sc. (Hons):
Passed with 50% aggregate marks (45%
marks in case of candidate belonging to
SC/ST) in 10+2 examination or equivalent
CHEMISTRY with English, Physics, Chemistry and
Chemistry is the scientific discipline that
discovers how and why certain substances M. Sc. (Hons):
combine or interact with each other.
Chemistry is a part of everything we Passed with 50% aggregate marks (45%
see around us. Chemistry is involved in marks in case of candidate belonging to SC/
everything we do, from growing and ST) in Bachelor’s degree with Chemistry or
cooking food to cleaning our homes and equivalent in each semester.
bodies as well as in launching a space
shuttle. Chemistry is one of the basic MEDIUM OF INSTRUCTION: English.
sciences that help us to relate and explain
our globe. The Department of Chemistry
aspires for an ideal balance between
cognition and diffusion of acquired PHYSICS
knowledge in the chemical sciences, with
a focus on student training and education The Department of Physics provides
practically. quality education. The key research areas
of the department include. Theoretical
CAREER PROSPECTS Plasma Physics, Theoretical Nuclear Physics,
Non-Linear Optics, Liquid Crystals, Thin
Studying chemistry opens doors to a Films, Chalcogenides, Nanotechnology,
range of sectors and opportunities. The Nanomagnetism, Photovoltaic and Space