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Dr. Alka Soharu

1.      Soharu A. and Pandey D.P. 2019. Poster presentation on “Correlation and path analysis for yield and it’s component traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.)”. National Convention on Integrated Agriculture-Prosperous Bharat.

2.      Soharu A. and Pandey D.P. 2020. Abstract on “Genetic variability for yield and component traits in upland rice (Oryza sativa L.)”. National Seminar on Crop Breeding for wider adaptation. p68

3.      Soharu A. 2020. Participated in International webinar on “ Intellectual Property Rights, An Overview: Myth and Realities organized by the department of Botany and department of Commerce & Management, KLE Society’s Science and Commerce College Kalamboli, Navi Mumbai, India

4.      Soharu A. 2020. Poster presentation on “Genetic divergence analysis of upland rice genotypes by different biometrical methods”. International Symposium on Cereals for Food Security and Climate Resilience.
