Page 5 - Prospectus 2023-24
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 Unleash Your   very individual possesses the power to achieve his    Embrace   re you ready to embark on a transformative journey into
 dreams and become truly successful in life. At DAV, we
                                                         the future of education? At DAV University, we are proud
 Potential for   Eunderstand the prerequisites for reaching your goals and   the Future   Ato introduce our innovative Education Policy 2020,
 are committed to providing you with the tools and support
                                                  designed to revolutionize traditional pedagogy and embrace
 needed to make your aspirations a reality.
                                                  the power of blended learning. Get ready to unlock new
 a Brilliant      Success begins with self-belief and the courage to follow your   of   opportunities and elevate your learning experience like never
 own path. At DAV, we foster an environment that encourages   before.
 Future!  you to trust in your abilities and embrace your uniqueness. We   Education!    worldwide are exploring ways to enhance the quality and
                                                     In today's rapidly evolving global landscape, educators
 empower you to make bold choices, standing firm in your
 convictions and pursuing what truly ignites your passion.  practicality of education. At DAV University, we are at the
    A roadmap to success requires a solid foundation. Our   forefront of this transformation, integrating technology into
 dedicated team of mentors will assist you in formulating a   instructional settings while preserving the value of face-to-face
 strategic plan, enabling you to set both short-term and long-  interactions.
 term goals that align with your aspirations. Through careful      Blended Learning, our cutting-edge approach, combines
 guidance and a focus on discipline, we will equip you with the   creative use of technology with traditional classroom
 tools necessary to navigate challenges and adapt to a dynamic   experiences. This dynamic system empowers you to leverage
 world.                                           captivating images, audio, and video, while still benefitting from
    While conventional measures of success often revolve around   the vital human connection that in-person learning offers.
 money and power, we believe in a more holistic approach. At      Aligned with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, our
 DAV, we emphasize the importance of well-being, wisdom,   vision is to create an experiential academic environment.
 wonder, and giving back to society. By integrating these   Meaningful activities, carefully planned and integrated into
 dimensions into your journey, you will cultivate a sense of   online and face-to-face modes, ensure that you receive a
 fulfillment that transcends mere material achievements.  comprehensive education that goes beyond mere theoretical
    Passion and joy are the fuel that drives success. That's why   knowledge.
 we encourage you to explore your interests, celebrate your      The University Grants Commission (UGC) has opened new
 strengths, and actively engage in the pursuit of happiness. At   possibilities for higher educational institutions like ours. You will
 DAV, you will discover a vibrant community that supports and   have the flexibility to engage with 40 percent of your courses
 nurtures your growth, providing you with a platform to thrive   online, while still enjoying the benefits of offline learning. This
 and excel.                                       blended approach allows for collaborative learning, idea
    Inevitably, challenges will arise along your path. However, at   exchange, and personalized feedback, providing a well-rounded
 DAV, we believe that setbacks are not roadblocks but stepping   educational experience.
 stones to resilience and growth. We instill in you the tenacity to   Dr Manoj Kumar     Blended learning enhances not only the quality of education
 rise after every fall, armed with the knowledge that failure is   but also equips you with essential skills for success in a
 merely a temporary detour on the road to success. Our   Vice-Chancellor  technology-driven world. By adopting smarter learning
 unwavering support and encouragement will guide you   techniques and utilizing online study resources, you will develop
 through even the toughest times, ensuring you emerge   valuable competencies that set you apart in today's competitive
 stronger and more determined than ever.          employment landscape.
    Commitment is the catalyst that transforms dreams into      At DAV University, we are fully committed to supporting your
 achievements. At DAV, we inspire you to embrace unwavering   educational journey. Our state-of-the-art IT infrastructure,
 dedication to your goals. With our comprehensive educational   including personal devices, audio-visual equipment, and
 Dr Punam Suri  programs, state-of-the-art facilities, and a community of like-  interactive tools, will provide you with a dynamic and immersive

 Padma Shri Awardee  minded individuals, you will be equipped to overcome obstacles   learning environment. Our dedicated faculty members are
 Chancellor  and reach new heights. We are here to empower you to   prepared to guide you through this new educational paradigm,
 persevere and realize your full potential.       ensuring your success every step of the way.
    Your journey to success begins at DAV, where we believe in      Change is inevitable, and the realm of education is no
 nurturing the next generation of leaders, innovators, and   exception. Blended learning is the future, and at DAV University,
 change-makers. Join us and unlock the door to a world of   we embrace this transformation with wisdom and adaptability.
 endless possibilities. Dream big, unleash your potential, and   Join us in embracing the future of education, unlocking your
 forge an extraordinary future.                   potential, and shaping a successful future.
    Come and embark on a transformative adventure towards a      We welcome you to become part of our innovative learning
 life of remarkable accomplishments.              DAV community that blends tradition with technology to
    Best wishes.                                  prepare you for the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow.
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