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DAV UNIVERSITY                                                                                                                                      UNDERGRADUATE AND POSTGRADUATE PROSPECTUS 2023 - 2024
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          Knowledge                                                                                                             Student residences.

          Resource                                                                                                               DAV University provides secure hostels with modern amenities like

          Centre.                                                                                                                hygienic kitchens, lifts, recreation rooms, and indoor game areas. The

                                                                                                                                 hostels offer both ceiling fan and AC accommodations, and students
          DAV University has                                                                                                     also have access to a state-of-the-art gymnasium for fitness activities,

          established a spacious                                                                                                 including badminton and table tennis.
          Knowledge Resource Centre.
                                                                                                                                Medical facilities
               E-learning facility

                                                                                                                                 DAV University ensures students' well-being by
                                                                                                                                 offering primary medical facilities on campus and
               DAV University equips the Central                                                                                 collaborating with renowned multi-specialty
               Library with over 48 computers to                                                                                 hospitals in Jalandhar, for additional healthcare
               support students' studies, e-journal                                                                              support. The University also provides round-the-
               access, NPTEL/ SWAYAM courses, e-                                                                                 clock emergency services through an on-campus
               books and research work.                             Internet connectivity                                        ambulance.

               E-Resources                                          The University library provides internet
                                                                    connectivity for students to access online                  Recreation
               The University leverages Delnet to                   journals and course materials, with plans to
               offer students world-class e-resources,              join the INFLIBNET Consortium.                               The University organizes various recreational
               fostering their engagement with                                                                                   activities for students, including a monthly
               global innovations and research.                                                                                  DJ/cultural night exclusively for hostel residents
                                                                                                                                 to enhance their recreation and enjoyment.
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