Page 15 - Prospectus 2022-23
P. 15

The DAV University team with Social Activist                     13
                                       Brajendra Nath Sinha Running Trophy for
                                       National Debate Competition 2022. The event
                                       was organised by Delhi State Legal Services
                                       Authority in collaboration with Human
                                       Foundation, Yug Sanskriti Nayas.

                     We give soft skill training to

                     enhance your capabilities

                     Thinking Critically                             Building Inclusivity

                     Thinking critically is a cognitive skill
                     needed to think creatively in order to          Communicating
                     see connections and opportunities in the
                     midst of change. At DAV University, we          Influencing People
                     encourage you for:
                                                                 Staying Relevant
                         Creative Thinking
                         Decision Making                         Paying close attention to trends impacting
                                                                 work and living motivate you for technical
                         Problem Solving                         skill development. Therefore, we inculcate
                                                                 the following in you:
                         Transdisciplinary Thinking
                     Communication Skills                            Digital Fluency

                     Being effective at interacting with others       Global Perspective
                     means thinking about the needs of other
                     people, as well as being able to exchange       Learning Agility
                     ideas and build a shared understanding of       Self Management
                     a problem or situation. At the University,
                     we help you in:
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