Friday, October 25, 2024
Two days faculty orientation programme organized to introduce new faculty to university's culture and essential policies
September 02, 2021

To introduce new faculty members to the institution, its culture, and essential policies, as well as to provide an overview of teaching support and resources, a two days Faculty Orientation Programme was conducted.

The orientation began with a traditional DAV Gaan, setting a welcoming tone for the event. The Vice Chancellor, Dr. Jasbir Rishi, welcomed the new faculty, providing an overview of the institution's mission, values, and strategic goals. After that The Registrar,Prof. Dr. K. N. Kaul presented key institutional policies and procedures, including tenure, promotion, and general administrative guidelines. Dr. Sapna Sethi provided an overview of the various teaching support services available to faculty, including instructional design and technology resources. A guided tour of the campus facilities, including classrooms, labs, and faculty offices, was also conducted to familiarize the new faculty with the physical environment. In the post lunch session, Dr. Seth discussed the procedures and standards for course assessment and evaluation, including examination protocols and grading policies. At last, a panel of experienced faculty members shared their insights and experiences.

Faculty members during the programme

On the second day of the programme, Dr. Rekha Gaba presented on the institutional code of conduct, outlining expectations for professional behavior and ethics within the academic environment. After this an interactive workshop was organized focusing on practical teaching strategies to enhance classroom engagement and effectiveness. Dr. Raj Kumar delivered a lecture on professional ethics, emphasizing the importance of integrity, accountability, and ethical behavior in academic settings. The orientation concluded with a feedback session where participants provided their thoughts on the program.

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