Friday, March 14, 2025
Ukrainian Scientist Visited the DAV University to develop new materials for future generation Spintronics
November 25, 2016

Professor A. Tovstolytkin from Institute of Magnetism, Ukraine visited DAV University to carry out some investigations and discussions on Indo-Ukraine joint research project with Dr Gurmeet Singh, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, DAV University, Jalandhar to develop future generation electronics i.e., Spintronics. The electronic devices based on magnetic multilayer are fastest and energy efficient. Dr A. Tovstolytkin is profound Scientist from Ukraine and had published his research work in the international reputed journals such as Nature Materials and Physical Review B. He was in the university for two weeks to carry out some experiments.

Professor A. Tovstolytkin also delivered a talk on “Magnetic Nanomaterials for Spintronics and Medical applications”. He discussed the possible mechanism to build spin-based devices. He shared his idea and research work with the faculty members and students of the university to explore the possibility to cure cancer disease with the help of magnetic nanoparticles. This technique has no side-effect as like of chemotherapy.

Dr. A.K. Paul, Vice Chancellor, welcomed Professor A. Tovstolytkin and shared his research interest in similar area. Dr. Naresh Sahajpal, Dean (Academics), interacted with the scientist and discussed the possibility of further collaboration with their institute. Dr. Rekha Kalia Bhardwaj, Registrar also interacted with the scientist. A memento was presented to Professor as a token of gratitude and remembrance.      

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