Friday, February 21, 2025
Role of e-learning in implementation of NEP
April 08, 2021

The webinar on “Role of e-Learning in Implementation of NEP 2020” was organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering, DAV University, Jalandhar.

The webinar started with the welcome speech by Mr. Ashutosh Bhadoria, Head, Department of Electrical Engineering. Dr. R. K Seth, officiating Dean Academics introduced and welcomed the resource person, Dr. M. S. Manna, Associate Professor, SLIET, Longowal, Punjab, and former Director AICTE.

Dr. Manna laid emphasis on the role of the teachers in utilizing e-learning resources for the students. He explained how a teacher could become an information and communication technology (ICT), enabled teacher. More than One hundred participants attended the webinar. The officiating vice-chancellor Dr. Jasbir Rishi, officiating registrar, Dr. K. N. Kaul congratulated the organizing team for the success of the webinar.

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