The Indian Newspaper Industry started with the newspaper 'Bengal Gazette' on Jan 29,1780 in Bengal. This year, this industry completed 240 years of its existence on Jan 29, 2020. To celebrate this occasion, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication organised a guest lecture on '240 Years of Indian Print Media'. The resource person for the guest lecture was Senior Journalist from the city Yogeshwar Dutt. He was accorded the floral welcome by Dr. Desh Bandhu Gupta(Vice Chancellor, DAV University), Dr. Vijayta Taneja ( Coordinator, Department of JMC), Prof H.K.Singh and Prof Geeta Kashyap. Dr. Desh Bandhu Gupta welcomed the resource person. While addressing the students, Dr. Gupta emphasized on the news values of objectivity and accuracy and their value in the field of Journalism. While delivering the lecture, Mr. Yogeshwar Dutt threw light on the various factors, which were prevailing in the 18th century in India. He discussed the pre and post independence journey of press in India. The lecture was followed by the interactive session, in which the students asked their queries regarding past and present of Indian print media.