Friday, March 14, 2025
DAV University Students Attended Expert Talk Sessions
March 24, 2023

Department of Computer Science and Applications & Department of Computer Science and Engineering, DAV University, Jalandhar conducted an expert talk sessions on the topics titled- “IT Infrastructure and Technology” for final year students and “Full Stack Development” for final year and pre-final year students on March 10, 2023. The resource person of the session was Mr. Mukul Gujral, one of the esteemed employees of NIIT, Gurgaon. In the talk session held, around 100 students participated.

In the first session, Mr. Mukul laid emphasis on the current technologies that are being used in the banking institutions & IT companies, its necessity & ways to enhance their skills concerning those technologies. In the second session, he mainly explained about full stack development- ‘a global industry requirement in the present era’ to increase the probability of students getting their dream job.

The coordinators of CSA & CSE Department- Dr. Arvind Mahindru & Dr. Rahul Hans respectively, thanked the resource person for enlightening the students.  Honourable Vice Chancellor, DAV University, Professor Dr. Manoj Kumar also appreciated the event. 

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