Friday, March 28, 2025
DAV University organized International conference on Advances in Çivil, Chemical and Mechanical Engineering"
May 09, 2022

DAV University organized International conference on Advances in Çivil, Chemical and Mechanical Engineering" (ICACCME-2022) on 6th May, 2022 Conference was co-Sponsored by Tata Tiscon.

ICACCME 2022" is a unique event that will go over diverse viewpoints in the fields of Civil, chemical and Mechanical Engineering. findings, and discoveries from students, researchers, professors, and Engineers.

This conference is interdisciplinary and blend of three core branches of engineering viz., Civil, Chemical and Mechanical Engineering that provide a platform to discuss problems and their solutions in a collaborative manner.

Conference Chairman Dr. M.P.Garg shared that large number of research paper across the world have been received and after peer review and plagiarism checking 35 papers have been selected for publication as book having ISBN.

 The key note speaker in the areas of Mechanical and Civil Engineering. Professor Manoj Gupta from National University of Singapore have discussed that the magnesium technology has taken a great leap towards catering to futuristic applications with the advent of high performance Mg-based nanocomposites and have enormous and unlimited potential to replace aluminium, steel and structural plastics in diverse industrial and commercial sectors such as automotive, aviation, defense, biomedical, sporting equipments, consumer electronics.

Professor Amardeep Singh from Changshu Institute of Technology, China presented a talk on recycling of waste concrete materials for 3 dimensional printing. This is the emerging construction technology that offer opportunity for utilising materials that are otherwise considered unsuitable for concrete construction.

Vice Chancellor Dr. Jasbir Rishi said that organizers has worked very hard in organization of this conference and this conference will set a benchmark. Registrar Dr. K.N. Kaul and Dr. R.K.Seth motivated the organizers and wished a great success for the conference and their future endeavours.

The session chairs of the conference Dr. Kapil Goyal, Dr. Sudhasar P., Dr. Senthil kumar critically analysed the outromes of the papers and motivated the paper presenters to do quality work

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