Friday, March 14, 2025
DAV University holds Guest lecture on “Research Methodology”
May 01, 2023

Research and Development(R & D), Cell of DAV University organized guest lecture on “Research Methodology” on 25th April 2023. Dr. Jagwinder Singh, Associate Professor & Head of Humanities and Management department at Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar was the resource person. The lecture was attended by more than 80 students.

Dr. Keshav Walia, Head of Research and Development Cell started the lecture with the welcome speech. The resource person was introduced and welcomed by Dr. R.K. Seth, Dean Science and Engineering.

The objective behind organizing the lecture was to enlighten the students about the theoretical and practical aspects of doing research. Dr. Singh started his lecture with the meaning of research. Then, he talked about some basic concepts of research methodology, which are essential to know in order to have quality research. He also discussed about Qualitative and Quantitative Paradigms, types of literature reviews and various research types.

Then, he differentiated between Research Methodology and Research Methods. In fact, the speaker attached immense respect to the idea of research and explained how a good research facilitates in the development of the society. The speaker further highlighted as to the attributes and duties of a critical scholar and how the same would affect the quality of research. Some of such attributes includes being scientifically faithful with the research, objectivity, potential to edit the document and ensuring proper acknowledgement of the sources from which relevant ideas have been taken for carrying out the research.

The speaker explained all the aspects with the help of illustrations and examples that provided a clearer understanding to the students with regard to the various concepts that were discussed. The entire lecture was very interactive and informative for participants. In the end, Dr. Keshav Walia, Head R & D Cell, presented the vote of thanks and gratefully acknowledged the Dr. Manoj Kumar (Vice-Chancellor), Dr. K. N. Kaul (Registrar), Dr. R.K. Seth(Dean Science and Engineering) for their consistent support and motivation in organizing academic activities.

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